I was just reading Amy's blog, and she pointed out a neat widget. The Genderanalyzer, in which they review data from your blog and determine whether it is written by a man or a woman.
My result?
We think is written by a man (70%)
What determines whether you're a masculine or feminine writer? It's peaking my curiosity.
My result?
We think is written by a man (70%)
What determines whether you're a masculine or feminine writer? It's peaking my curiosity.
I come up as an ESTP WTF? Totally off from anything else.
Then my writing samples were 15% like Frank Baum or 21% like Lewis Carroll. Guess I'll be happy that I write 100% like Suzanne, eh? :)
Good diversions, so thanks for the links! there something you're not telling us Suzanne? lol
Now I gotta go try that ;-)