Our Monarch of cooking

Chef Jr has achieved a milestone-he is one of the first four Master Chefs at his cooking school. Yesterday, he was the first awarded his Chef's Jacket. Pretty cool.

There's a story involved. Apparently, our school was one of the first to begin the program, and as such, has minted the first Master Chefs. The real jackets are not ready, but this has been talked up for a year. Our center's director knows how big a deal this is for the kids and went to bat for them. Chef Jr (and the other students, I'd imagine) got temporary jackets to wear until the official ones arrive.
Chef with his cooking school director. She's awesome! We're so happy she decided that she needed to move closer to family and open a cooking school, because Chef loves going.

This is the jacket he'll be getting soon. It's got the fancy piping and french knot buttons. Pretty snazzy. He wore the jacket home yesterday and comes in the front door with an announcement, "I am he Monarch of cooking in this house." I should have told him to get in the kitchen and make dinner!

I'm jealous, I don't have any fancy cooking jackets.


Joyce-Anne said…
May I be one of the first to congratulate Chef Jr. I'm so proud. When he's a Master Chef working in a top restaurant, I can say I knew him back when he was a kid. Heck! I casn say I knew im when he was born :-)...
Anonymous said…
We are so proud of Chef Jr. It takes a commitment from the whole family for kids to achieve milestones like this. So congratulations to all of you. You guys are among my favorite "foodies" and I've enjoyed getting to know all of you at the academy. Keep cooking with both of your kids!

Miss Amy
Unknown said…
Chef Jr!! Congrats dude.
Suzanne, he even has the "Chef face" in the first pic. sweet
ligirl said…
Yay, Chef, Jr! How cool is that? Please tell my buddy how proud I am of him! Can't wait 'til I can get there to visit and he can model that snazzy jacket for me in person! Can't wait 'til he's Exec. Chef at some swanky place and I can ask for a primo table because I KNOW THE CHEF!!!
Anonymous said…
Congrats to the Chef!! I love the pics! He's following a pashion of much of the family. Just one question- How's his mashed potatoes?
klasieprof said…
We LOVE to cook. Hub is a chef, and daughter (age 11) has started acquiring her OWN knives. Best thing we can teach our kids!

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