Uncle Charlie strikes again
Our family has some friendly ghosts. If you don't believe, you can skip today's post, because I not only believe, I embrace it. Our ghosts started when my great Uncle Charlie passed away when I was in first or second grade. A few months after he'd passed, my mom was home alone, preparing dinner (one of Charlie's favorites-Marinara and Meatballs). She heard someone at the door and said "Come on in!", as mom was always glad for company. She looked out into the living room from the kitchen and the front door was open. On the floor was a gray fedora with a jaunty little white and red feather in it. charlie's hat, and it was his custom to throw his hat in the door to see if he was welcome. She said, "It's okay, Charlie, you're welcome in" before realizing he was no longer with us. After that day, from time to time, Charlie would bless various members of the family with his presence. The smell of coffee in the car, music where none was...