A to Z Meme
I'm borrowing from the always witty, sometimes sarcastic (frequently both) Mandy. (Donna, if you don't have Mandy in your read list, you should!)
The A-Z Meme
Attached or Single: attached
Best Friend: Donna
Cake or Pie: Pie (pecan, please)
Day of Choice: Wednesday (my Saturday)
Essential Item: My laptop
Favorite Color: Blue
Greatest Accomplishment: Two kids
Hometown: North Merrick, NY
Indulgences: wine, cake, cheese, chocolate
January or July: July. My birthday month!
Kids: 2: Gameboy 12, and Chef almost 9
Life is incomplete without: Family, good food, wine, chocolate, books, friends
Marriage Date: August 31st
Number of Siblings: Eight: Legacy, Liar, Pete, Lori, Peg, Socrates, Lyndie, and Giggles. (The first three nicknames are bad, the last is good)
Oranges or Apples: Depends on the day. Apples aren't nearly as good here, though
Phobias or Fears: Bees (not sure if I'm allergic), blood clots
Quotes: Voltaire "I disagree with what you say, but I defend to the death your right to say it." Alton Brown "The only two words to fear in the english language are "Inoperable" and "Indicted". The rest is small potatoes."
Reason to Smile: coming home and having Chef run up and hug me.
Season: Now? Winter.
Tag Five Friends: Tag. You're it
Unknown Fact About Me: I have a radiotelephone operator's permit from the FCC, granted October 12, 1984. You don't even need them to be on air radio talent anymore.
Very Favorite Store: Williams Sonoma
Worst Habit: Procrastination
X-ray or Ultrasound: Ultrasound. Saved my life.
Your Favorite Food: Depends on the day.
Zodiac Sign: Leo. (30 shopping days till my birthday!)
The A-Z Meme
Attached or Single: attached
Best Friend: Donna
Cake or Pie: Pie (pecan, please)
Day of Choice: Wednesday (my Saturday)
Essential Item: My laptop
Favorite Color: Blue
Greatest Accomplishment: Two kids
Hometown: North Merrick, NY
Indulgences: wine, cake, cheese, chocolate
January or July: July. My birthday month!
Kids: 2: Gameboy 12, and Chef almost 9
Life is incomplete without: Family, good food, wine, chocolate, books, friends
Marriage Date: August 31st
Number of Siblings: Eight: Legacy, Liar, Pete, Lori, Peg, Socrates, Lyndie, and Giggles. (The first three nicknames are bad, the last is good)
Oranges or Apples: Depends on the day. Apples aren't nearly as good here, though
Phobias or Fears: Bees (not sure if I'm allergic), blood clots
Quotes: Voltaire "I disagree with what you say, but I defend to the death your right to say it." Alton Brown "The only two words to fear in the english language are "Inoperable" and "Indicted". The rest is small potatoes."
Reason to Smile: coming home and having Chef run up and hug me.
Season: Now? Winter.
Tag Five Friends: Tag. You're it
Unknown Fact About Me: I have a radiotelephone operator's permit from the FCC, granted October 12, 1984. You don't even need them to be on air radio talent anymore.
Very Favorite Store: Williams Sonoma
Worst Habit: Procrastination
X-ray or Ultrasound: Ultrasound. Saved my life.
Your Favorite Food: Depends on the day.
Zodiac Sign: Leo. (30 shopping days till my birthday!)