It's Official

I am a certified, fully trained salesperson for my employer. Wheeeeeeee!

The past two weeks have been an incredible gift. How often do you spend TWO full weeks learning about your job WITH your coworkers? In retail?

The training I received as a salesperson exceeds some of my previous employer's management training! Two weeks ago, I knew a little about the product and nothing about the people who'd be working with me. Now, I can say I know a lot about them and feel very confident about selling any product on my side of the store.

Today's activities included a sell off, where each of our department's three teams selected a member to get up in front of the whole store and sell to a 'customer' from the other side of the store. My team (and lunch buddies all week) didn't ask, they said "You're doing this, right?" Sure, it's my pleasure, guys.

I got the 'couple', where my GM portrayed "Kevina". It was rather funny selling to the two of them, as they kept throwing a lot of curve balls at me. When the role plays were done and the votes tallied, I had in my possession some gift cards. Woohoo!

Later, I got to turn the tables and throw some curve balls at one of the salespeople from the other side of the store. N, the guy I mentioned the other day, said he wanted to play my brother in the role play-we were going to buy a birthday gift for Ed. It was tons of fun.

After a catered lunch, we got our certificates and were served cake.
Yay, cake!

Now, I've got my last weekend off until I get promoted. Monday morning, we get to put a store together. The funny part is that three days ago, I was looking at my nails. Two weeks ago, they were shredded from loading up furniture, moving boxes and everything else that my old job required. Now, they look long, pretty and ladylike. I was ready to give myself a nice manicure. I'm helping to set up a store? Um, tnose nails need to go away.
(The elusive and rarely seen long nails)

Yay, cake! Boo to getting rid of the nails! Woohoo to starting a new adventure with some really cool people.


Grandy said…
Sounds like you're having a great time at the new gig. :)
Jess said…
Suzanne, I'm so happy for you!
Joyce-Anne said…
YAY for you!
Mike Golch said…

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