The rare rainy day during 'dry season'

I'm sitting and enjoying a nice hot chocolate and looking out the window of the coffee place at the rain and gray skies. It's actually punching up the lush green in the park across the street.

We moved our dining room table this morning and you know what? It fit in the breakfast nook. It makes the rest of the furniture placement easier for us. Funnier still is that our landlord chose the same flooring for his kitchen that we'd had in ours, and the bathrooms are the same flooring we have in the current house. I don't know how common that is-my sales lady was telling me I'd been the first she'd ever had pick the faux slate.

Doing the mad scramble at work to prepare for a corporate visit. Again. D Day is Friday, but we've got 7 managers in town for a meeting and people from real estate are here, too. So everything has to be done TODAY. Oh joy!

Thanks to the BlogHer feature last week, I've had some hits from far and wide, pushing me to over 50 people several times, and in the high 40's every other day. Yesterday, I got a hit from a major US newspaper thanks to the link from there. It's lead me to make it a little easier to contact me besides the comments. Now, on the profile, there's a little 'email me' button.

It's amazing what happens when you share a story you think is important...


Geggie said…
So, tell me more about the blogher thingy?

Have a great day.
Suzanne said…
I posted my foreclosure story on my BlogHer page and it got featured on the front page of their economy section by Lisa Stone (one of the founders).

She later wrote n editorial about the candidates and their position on the foreclosure crisis in the US and linked back to my blog.

It was a boost to my ego, that's for sure. Something good came out of something bad.
Mike Golch said…
I'm glad to hear that hings are giong well for you in your move,I'm sad that you home ended up in forclosure.though.I Hope that you and yours have a great day.
Jennifer S said…
I just found your blog, through your (very nice) comment on mine. I look forward to reading more of your entries, especially the one you've referenced here. I hope things are better now, and that your move goes well.

Thanks for stopping by, and I'll be back!
Grandy said…
Glad to see you're meeting your blogging goals missy!! You've worked hard for it!!

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