What did NaBloPoMo do for me?

If you were a regular reader, you probably enjoyed (or pretended to like) the daily posts that NaBloPoMo asked of participants. November meant you didn't complain to me AT ALL that I haven't posted in four or five days. I have to say I enjoyed not hearing that one single time in November.

What it did for me was quite different. It got me in the habit of thinking about blog topics each and every day. I think Ed heard 'blog fodder' a lot this month! As a good topic came to mind, I tucked it into the word file and figured I would use it if I had writer's block. I only used two and one of those was because there were pictures staring at me, begging to be used.

The first couple of days of NaBloPoMo, I found it quite entertaining to look at the website and find others who were equally crazy in signing up for a month of writing. I dragged Mandy along from my Disney fan site and she proved what I suspected-that I am addicted to that sarcastic wit that was only displayed a few times a week on her blog.

Lotus found me, I guess the same way I'd found others. NaBloPoMo's friend requests netted about two dozen daily reads and her's is one of the first I go for in the morning. Mary's is the last at night, since she is a fellow night owl and is on the left coast. Along the way, I read Audrey's blog, found Anna in someone's blogroll, found this sweet young lady on NaBloPoMo's front page and found Sarah directly through Lotus' blog.

Posting for me became a habit, but reading all their blogs also became a habit. I no longer just look for Amalah, Heather B, Megan and a rare post from Ed-I've got an extensive blog roll to look through each day. I'm going to miss seeing something new every day. I'm hoping some of these new friends on the web decide to write more frequently than their pre NaBloPoMo days.

I'm a little sad to see it all end, but I'm hoping that holidailies nets some more good reading, some more friends and some more fun.

Thanks to all of you who ran this race this past month, whether I mentioned you or not. The sense of small town on the net "where almost everybody knows your name" was so cool to experience.


Hasn't it been a blast!? I've thoroughly enjoyed being exposed to so many bloggers that I'd never have met otherwise. Tre cool!

And, as far as my site goes... I'm a blogaholic and I'm usually around annoying people every day even when NaBloPoMo's not in swing. ;-)

Was great to meet you! :-D
Grandy said…
Thank you, Suzanne, for finding me! And, just in case you were wondering...you can't get rid of a vampire if they're invited in...I'll be back. ;)

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