Sleep, where are you?

Of course, I thought I could sleep in. The schedule has me closing Tuesday, so I watched part two of Tin Man without realizing: I've got a blasted meeting at 9am. I even forgot to bring up the great idea one of the other managers had: let those who don't have to work (or in my case), come back and close conference in. It sucks having to waste a few gallons of gas for a one hour meeting.

Or any hope of getting a nap when you drive 30 minutes there and 30 minutes back. Home at 10:30 and then leave again at 1:30? Don't like it and never will. Usually, you draw the short straw of a meeting on your day off or the day you close one out of five. This is the third week in a row for me. Hope this means that for the rest of the holiday season, I'm the early manager on meeting day.

If I fell asleep RIGHT NOW, I would get 6 hours sleep. Too bad I'm not tired enough...


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