Looks Like It Was a Keurig Christmas

Now I can talk about it!

Last week, my brother in law called me and left a message to call him back on his cell phone. "I got Giggles the Keurig, what else do I need?" Seems that she's wanted one since we lugged ours up to Virginia when we vacationed with them over the summer. Prior to that, I think they laughed that I worked so hard to win the darn thing. Then they enjoyed the coffee for a couple of days and their minds were changed.

My friend Rich had one on her wish list this year, because one of her bosses had one in his office (she works for a husband and wife that run two separate businesses). We talked about this last week. Her sister was sort of hoping that she'd get two, so that she could justify getting one by buying it off her sister.

And the commercials have suckered Jane. That and the fact that every time Ed shows up at the house to bring her somewhere, he's got a mug of coffee in hand. This made an impact on her, because Ed was not much for coffee several years ago. Ed and Betsy don't think she drinks enough coffee to warrant the purchase, but she wants one.

Meanwhile, they've all heard me rave about the thing since my box arrived from Keurig back in April. It's the best 170 bucks I didn't have to spend. No more science experiments in the bottom of the coffee pot. No more skipping coffee because one of us felt like it and the other didn't.

So, some things we've learned, favorite flavors and suggestions for where to get the best deals today.

1. If you have a favorite coffee, and it doesn't come in a K cup, get yourself a My K Cup

Ours gets filled with Barnie's Santa's White Christmas or I'll empty tea bags into it. Next month, when Barnie's Sweetheart Blend comes out, we'll grab a bag of it and enjoy it one cup at a time.

2. There are some great places to get deals on K Cups.
I use Amazon to order the Gloria Jean's flavored sampler. If you set up automatic shipping, it's free, and you get a discount for automatic deliveries, too.
A great website for deals is www.justonecup.com, too. When all else fails, just use your 20% off Bed, Bath and Beyond coupon to get a box of your favorite brew.

Now, the flavors. Everything is subjective, so your mileage may vary, but these are the things Ed and I like (and don't).

Hands down, Tully's Kona is our favorite. The Coffee People also makes a decent Kona, but Tully's is the best. What's nice is that it is the most commonly stocked one, as I've seen it at Macy's, Dillards, BB&B and our local supermarket.

Favorite flavor is easily Gloria Jean's Butter Toffee. It's got great flavor. Actually, I don't think we've been disappointed with a single Gloria Jean's flavor.

For decaf, Newman's Own and Timothy's Columbian Supreme don't disappoint. There's definitely a change in mindset when you can make a cup of joe whenever, and for us, it means we want more coffee after dinner. These two have been good ways to solve that java jones in the evening.

Other flavored coffees that I really like:
Green Mountain's Southern Pecan
Van Houttes's Raspberry Chocolate Truffle
Van Houtte's French Vanilla
Gloria Jean's Swiss Chocolate Almond
Van Houtte's Pecan Praline

Traditional coffees:
Coffee People's Donut Shop Coffee
Green Mountain's Nantucket Blend

As far as the teas and the cocoas, we tried some teas in the sampler pack that I purchased the tea bags and dump them into my K cup. The initial feedback on the cocoa from everyone I knew with a machine is that it was watery and nasty. However, I tried a Cafe Escapes Dark Chocolate cocoa that my friend Holly gave me and it was pretty good. Their Cafe Mocha doesn't taste much like coffee or cocoa, though.

Holly also gave me a Mountain Blueberry Coffee K cup and I liked it. It was like having the blueberry muffin IN the coffee. When it comes to the cocoa, I just use the Keurig to give me a mug of hot water, then dump in a packet of a favorite flavor, whether it's a Ghirardelli, Land O Lakes or a store brand.

We've tried about three dozen K cups so far, out of the over 200 varieties available to use. Now that everyone we know is getting on the Keurig bandwagon, I'm hoping that we can get feedback from them!

If you've got a Keurig, which coffee do YOU like?


Unknown said…
We have one at work - and Annie and I just bought one for Grannie for Christmas. Caribou.
ligirl said…
Santa, in the form of my sister and brother-in-law, fulfilled my Christmas wish and sent me a box of Butter Toffee!!!
I got k-cups for Christmas too! A Gloria Jeans variety pack and my mom gave me some fair trade Green Mountain Pumpkin Spice & Gingerbread. YUM!

I still use my Keurig EVERY DAY and when I'm not drinking coffee, I use it to brew hot water for tea (I use regular tea bags).

Best machine ever.

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas Suzanne!

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