Would Suzanne?

The new Facebook gives you instant notifications, so when I was on there earlier, a status box came up "Jessica just answered a question about you! See what it is!" I figured, why not?

Well, the trick is the application wants you to answer questions, like "Do you think Jane would rob a bank?" (true question that I found when I opened the page, that one. Hmmm.) Then you can see what questions your friends answered about you, with a catch. You have to actually use the Friend Quiz to find out who said what. No thanks, I'll just laugh at the questions. Want to join me?

Do you think that Suzanne is a wannabe? (this must be the one Jessica answered-she said NO)

Do you think that Suzanne has ever done anything they're ashamed of? Friend answered NO. (have to disagree with this one)

Do you think that Suzanne has ever had a 1 night stand? Friend answered NO, and they must know my more conservative pov on that one!

Do you think that Suzanne would sell you out for $100k? Friend answered NO, and there isn't any amount of money that I'd do that for.

Do you think that Suzanne watches the TV show "24"? Friend answered NO,and they would just have to look at my info tab to see what little television I do choose to watch.

Do you think that Suzanne is a good athlete? Friend answered NO. If they're a friend from school, then they know I was the last picked unless it was deck hockey or soccer and those who know me now know that athletics are a thing of the past...

Do you think that Suzanne has ever kissed a girl? Friend answered NO, because my name is NOT Katy Perry.

Do you think that Suzanne would look good in a mini-skirt? Friend answered NO, I have to concur, but Ed would disagree. Heck, it's rare I'll even put a skirt on because of My Stupid Leg (trademark pending).

Is Suzanne profile picture cute? Friend answered YES. It currently is Ed and I on the beach off of Lakeshore Drive in Chicago, summer 1995. We're both goofing for the camera and is one of my favorites of the two of us together. (not that I have a lot of them to choose from)

Do you think Suzanne dresses well? Friend answered YES, which makes me think that someone doesn't realize that college attire is not most people's idea of sartorial splendor!

Do you think your first impression of Suzanne was right? Friend answered YES, and I don't know if that's good or bad. If it's good, I'll kiss you-unless you're a girl.

Do you think that Suzanne would let you cheat off their paper on a test? Friend answered YES, and they'd be waiting a long time. I'll gladly help you pre-test and if I've taken the test before you, I'll tell you what you need to study-but I'm not giving up any answers.

Have your friends answered questions about you? Go check it out and see if they're right about you!


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