Busy Bee

As I mentioned yesterday, I had a test today and another tomorrow (and a toughie next Thursday). In addition, over the next couple of days, the calendar has Jane's move to assisted living (which was supposed to happen LAST Friday, but someone seemed to not understand that deposit and rent are two different things. Grr) and our last cub scout camping trip ever.

The former is worrisome. It will be good when she's in their care, but at the same time, the situation that postponed the move is my biggest fear about her going there. Her tendency to just buy things without thinking has to stop.

The camping trip is to a site we've been to before, but the weather forecast is calling for some cold temperatures. (38 as the low one night). We just have to make sure we've packed extra blankets and the boys have their sweats and thermals. I suspect the fire will be going all day and well into the evening.

Oh, and today's test? I aced it. Tomorrow's test is the unknown quantity, so I'm headed back to the books!


sorry about all the not so great things happening, but yay for the test!! I hope you do well tomorrow too. I have a Psych one on friday...ewww. LOL


I don't know if you entered the Holey Donuts giveaway or not, but if you could check out this post and do so for my blog, it would mean a TON for my family and you can enter for the book afterwards too if you wish (White Cat by Holly Black ARC)!:


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