Suzanne's Soundtrack Sunday

I have a confession, one that my friends and family have known for a long time.

I like punk rock. Since I was a kid, and heard the Ramone's "Rockaway Beach", the driving rhythms have my toes tapping. The Clash and the Sex Pistols came along, and yet again, the driving beats of "This Is the Radio Clash" and "Anarchy in the UK" were incredibly appealing.

Probably the most notable punk experience I've had in my life is seeing ex Sex Pistols lead vocalist Johnny Lydon's Public Image LTD perform at my college union's ballroom. The room was one giant Mosh pit-and I had plaster from fingertip to elbow!

I was sure that someone would end up with stitches or that the cast would be slammed off me. However, someone decided to tick Mr Lydon off and he left the stage with the comment "I don't like be'in 'pit on by ahs' holes!" He did come back, but the crowd calmed down.

Over the years, there have been bands that follow the tradition of stripped down, straight ahead, take no prisoners music. I may not have purchased their albums, but every time I hear a new Green Day song or something from Pink, I'm once again drawn in. In a nod to my fellow punk rock chick, Donna, her designated ring tone on the old phone was a Green Day song. Give me time, I think I'll make her ring tone "So What?"!

Now the strange part. I was going to use the Ramones "Suzy is a Headbanger" to show that they knew what you didn't. Instead of the Ramones being the first thing that Google brought up, I got these two guys:

Is it just me, or is it just WRONG to hear a punk song played on a ukelele?

Excuse me, I need to figure out why my punk rock stuff didn't transfer out of iTunes into the new phone!


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