Long day!
Today was inventory day at work. thanks to some issues with the auditing software, it took FOREVER to get audit reports. I arrived at 5:30 am and didn't leave until 8:30 pm-and it still wasn't done. Thankfully, we only do this once a year!
The child leaving comments on my blog got a reprieve-I'll be stopping in at the smoothy place and UT tomorrow. I left his comment up so his boss and UT can see it. However, I've switched to moderated comments. It's temporary until this issue is resolved.
Tomorrow, I go back to Nurse M. I'm not sure if I'll get a new Unna Boot. The back of the calf is all scratched from the boot rubbing, and there a big purple bruise where the foot meets the leg. When the RSD is flaring this bad, Nurse M doesn't like to put a new boot on.
The child leaving comments on my blog got a reprieve-I'll be stopping in at the smoothy place and UT tomorrow. I left his comment up so his boss and UT can see it. However, I've switched to moderated comments. It's temporary until this issue is resolved.
Tomorrow, I go back to Nurse M. I'm not sure if I'll get a new Unna Boot. The back of the calf is all scratched from the boot rubbing, and there a big purple bruise where the foot meets the leg. When the RSD is flaring this bad, Nurse M doesn't like to put a new boot on.
Hope all went alright with Nurse M?
That's really the way to prove your point in a disagreement, isn't it? ;)