Fun With Mad Libs Junior

Mad Libs. The staple of family road trips. You remember them, right? One person had the booklet, and asked the other people for adjectives, nouns, a person name, places and verbs to create funny stories.

Some were hilarious, some not as funny-but we'd keep buying them, wouldn't we?

Well, tonight, I took the boys to Wendy's for dinner before I had to head to campus. Game Teen, as always, ordered a kid's meal. This time, it had Mad Libs Junior. Instead of asking for parts of speech, it gives you a list of appropriate answers for each blank and you have to pick one. The picture illustrates here:

If you can't read it, It says "For my birthday, Mom and Dad bought me a pet ___________. He is so cute that I named him ____________." See if you can guess which family member answered this in which way.

Mom and Dad bought me a pet dolphin. He is so cute that I named him Happy.

Mom and Dad bought me a pet turnip. He is so cute that I named him Stinky.

Mom and Dad bought me an pet octopus. He is so cute that I named him Dinner. (yes, one of us couldn't choose from the list).

And from there, it went to jokes about "Did they buy it as a pet or for us to eat?" "How long before it's a Pentapus? Tripus? We give up and call it Bob?"

Yes, my kids are warped.


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