It's cold! (for Florida, that is)

Ed had to work today, so I took the kids to school. The thermometer in the car said 45 degrees-brrrr. I'm glad he had to work, we need to pay for those brakes.

We used our rewards gift card yesterday and bought a wine cooler. After the gift card, we only paid 6 bucks for a 16 bottle fridge. Woohoo, I've got a shelf back in the fridge. We just need to figure out a more permanent home for it. I resolve to buy more wine this year. :)

Today's going to be a busy day. Off to school to meet with an IEP team for oldest-he'll be going back into special ed classes. Not a surprise. After meeting with the team, I'll be observing the class in action.

Later, I'm off to the vascular doc. Woohoo. Somewhere in there, I'll be cleaning out the office to prep it for painting. Once painted, it'll become little guy's room. This works better-we won't displace him while painting.


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