Inspiration Netting Results

Last week, I shot an interview for my Digital Video class of my friend, Jennifer. From that, she had the idea of doing more interviews. I ran with that concept and said we should have a student roundtable, and share the video results with the legislators in Tallahassee.

This morning, we spent four hours with eight people around a table talking about their experience and how if USF Polytechnic disappears July 1st and becomes FPU, they may not be able to continue their education, if they have to commute to Tampa, that it will place a huge financial burden on them (hello $4 a gallon gas times 75 mile round trip) and some of the programs offered at Poly aren't currently available on the USF Tampa campus.

While I ran around, coordinating three cameras to collect all the statements made, three television film crews recorded it all. In the past hour, I've watched two of those, one from BayNews9 and another from News Channel 8. In each, Jenn spoke up about the issues on the minds of many of the students at USF Poly.

Amazing to think that a week ago, this was just an assignment for my class and now, we're getting a chance for student's voices to be heard.


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