Summer's End
Ed had been bugging me to move to Florida for several years before I finally agreed to the concept, and it was the words of a coworker that tipped the scales in favor of moving. She said "you stay inside four or five months of the year up here, right?" and I admitted that yes, from November until the beginning of March, I'm holed up in the house, trying to keep warm. "Well, just shift the time you're indoors and Florida is pretty much the same as living in Maryland."
She was right.
So, while others lament the end of summer, because the nights are shorter, the nights are colder and it's too cold to swim, I look forward to it. The windows get opened, the sun roof gets used and we spend many an evening on the lanai.
Yes, the nights are shorter, and I do enjoy having daylight until 8. However, if the longer nights mean temperate weather, I'm all for it.
Bye bye, Summer. You've been nice, but I've always liked Fall best.
She was right.
So, while others lament the end of summer, because the nights are shorter, the nights are colder and it's too cold to swim, I look forward to it. The windows get opened, the sun roof gets used and we spend many an evening on the lanai.
Yes, the nights are shorter, and I do enjoy having daylight until 8. However, if the longer nights mean temperate weather, I'm all for it.
Bye bye, Summer. You've been nice, but I've always liked Fall best.
