When staying in Daytona, it is a given that we will travel a few exits north on I-95 to Ormond Beach and visit the Pig Stand for some 'cue. We spent the night over on the beach and decided that lunch had to be Pig Stand before we returned home. Chef was nursing a sore mouth, so he just went with Macs and Cheese, and when GameTeen heard that, he got them, too. Meanwhile, I went for the Burnt End sandwich, a nice pork BBQ that is served naked with slaw on top and a choice of side. Barbeque sauces are on the table, and I opted for a blend of the mustard and hot. Yum. The slaw is a little on the sweeter side, but is crunchy and fresh, in case you prefer tangy slaw. I will probably skip the corn next time. It seems like frozen ears and no amount of butter, salt and pepper could give it flavor. They make really good, savory beans-I'll go with those next time. Ed got the Fat Boy with beans. This sandwich comes with lettuce, tomato, shredded cheese and a cream...