A Kernel of Information

As is typical for me the past year, I'm in the process of writing a research paper for a Psychology class. Of course, I'm looking for a topic relating to Aspergers Syndrome that fits into the parameters for this class, Psychology of Learning.

The more I think I don't want to go down the Psychology path, the more I find things that lead me back to it.

When you live with a person on the spectrum, so much of each day is spent in thought about the spectrum that you can't help but gravitate towards it as a research topic. Seriously, a paper is assigned and I immediately think "Hey, it would be great if I can find a paper that supports this!," with this being any number of topics that would never have come to mind if it wasn't staring you in the face every day in the form of your child.

The admissions advisor I met last year was so dead on, not even knowing the particulars about my life. When I'd told him what my end goal was, he asked questions about what I'd done, what education I'd completed and observed that I could tie it together best with Psychology. "Plus, Psychology is probably the best lead in to the Masters program you want." He didn't even know about Game Teen or my experiences working in that field way back when.

So, when this semester's class syllabus listed a presentation and research paper, I knew I was going to do it on Asperger's and learning. To narrow it down, I figured it would be good to tie in my future learning and look for Computer Aided learning for students on the Autism spectrum.

There's not much out there. What there IS, though, makes me think that it is a topic that definitely could benefit from more study. If you remove the anxiety of social interaction from a child with Asperger's learning situation, how much more will they progress?

The papers I found have led me to a software program, then more studies on Asperger's and education in general and from there I thought about Game Teen's school and then the Masters program itself. From there, several dissertation topics spring to mind. A year ago, I couldn't even think of a one that hadn't been covered ad nauseum.

It's amazing how one little piece of information can grow into something so broad that I cannot help but want to explore the topic more and more. (and more and more)


Unknown said…
My #3 son is an Asperger's child. He's in college now. Somehow. I'm hoping that somewhere along the way it starts clicking for him and he begins to understand the reasons for using the "Help" resources at his disposal.

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