Eight Years
Eight years ago: -my mom had terminal cancer. -my mother in law and sister in law were preparing to move to Florida. -we lived just outside of Tampa. -I worked for Disney. -My chronic health issues were just a blip in the past. -Ed was unemployed. -the boys were in elementary school. -going back to school was just a dream idea. -I liked to write, but other than the occasional short store and humorous email to friends, I didn't consider it something I 'had to do'. And now: -three family members here in Florida have passed away. -we live in Lakeland. -I work for a university. -My chronic health issues have announced their presence with authority quite a few times. -Ed has been working the same job for six years solid, I was unemployed for three years. -both boys are in HIGH school! -after years of having time and no money, or money and no time, I returned to school and finished two degrees and am 6 courses into doctoral studies. -I've written this blog...