I get the picture!

When two people complain that I haven't updated, out of a readership that numbers in the teens, well, I suppose I should give a reader's digest condensed update...

Easter-not a church day for us, but most of you know that. We decided to enjoy a family day over at Sea World. Lesson for the day was that I should suck it up and pay the ten bucks for the wheelchair. We didn't do too much, but the kids saw the Sharks (their can't miss) and played at Shamu's Happy Harbor. I convinced them to go up in the Sky Tower-the view was great. The best part of that was seeing the progress on the new water park, Aquatica. (www.aquatica.com). Talk about motivation for them to learn how to swim. Dinner was at Smokey Bones, and we all had a good day.

The inevitable leg update. The Unna Boot has a shelf life of five days, after which time there is seepage from the wounds. It's doing a great job of reducing the ulcers-they are now flat, with one the size of a dime and the other the size of a quarter. I spent way too much on a pair of shoes tonight to wear to work that won't rub those wounds, since work is insisting that I no longer wear the doctor prescribed Crocs! Oy.

Scout training continues. This time, I received training in something that benefits the whole pack: Safe Swim Defense. The next step is get a BSA lifeguard certification so the boys can go in the pool or water on a camping trip. Florida recogizes BSA certification the same as Red Cross Certs. That'll refresh enough that I can actually teach my boys beginning swimming.

The scout drama is at a low ebb. Two people are rather obvious in their disdain for me, but I'm not even giving them any indication that I recognize the snub. Stooopid. It's not like I haven't experienced that type of behavior from some of my own family members!

I did a happy dance last week in that I was able to wear a pair of shorts I haven't worn since living in Maryland. There are more shorts getting pulled out of the dressers and I picked up three pairs of pants this week in a new, smaller size!! Slow and steady, but the smile gets bigger as the waist gets smaller! Tonight, we ran into someone who hasn't seen me in a year and she commented on the weight loss, so I suppose it is getting obvious. Yay!

In laws pool is quite nice. I got to swim on Wednesday. Still kinda cold, but it reminded me of 6am swims at Freeport Rec. It'd do good to have a heater on that thing, but it's not my pool to do stuff like that. The time in the water worked wonders for the leg. Soon, it'll be hard to keep us away from their house. I suspect that was part of the plan.


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