trying to access this sucks

Well, Blogger appears to be unable to allow a user to have multiple blogs. I haven't been able to sign in since I created the second blog. I keep getting error messages when I try.

Cutting and pasting the blog entry that I had to write in word:

Blogger’s down. I’ve been trying to blog for a week with no success.

Added a blog, which Ed and I will team on. It’s called yum, and you can find it at So far, it’s only got the first post because of the blogger issues and Ed’s not on it-but that will change.

Car is in the shop-again. Got it back and within 24 hours, the check engine light was on. I called the dealer and brought it back the next morning. Friday, still not fixed and the service advisor and I talked in the afternoon. Luis said it’s just a sensor, it will be fine to drive up to Jacksonville. Well, sometime between that conversation and Ed coming to get me to take me over there, Luis appealed to the boss to get me a rental-stating that if it were his car, he wouldn’t make the trip.

I got a call back, head over to Enterprise for the rental car. We drove that up to Jacksonville-and I still have it. Nissan Altima-yuck, but better than the original choices of a Hyundai or a Toyota Corolla. I heard another customer getting a PT Cruiser-I’d have liked that one.

The trip to Jacksonville was brief, but productive. We helped Donna with various computer stuff, went out to dinner at Fridays and had some unwanted excitement with a step that fell off her stairs as we were walking down them! Then we stayed over and left around dinner time Sunday.

The trip back was good. The month before last, we’d had an item on our menu that called for pesto. Every time I worked in that station, I’d start jonesing for Pizzeria Uno’s 4 cheese pizza. Alas, the nearest one to us is Orlando-and the nearest to Donna is Daytona. Inspiration struck when we were traveling I4, and we were sated with Pizza Skins and that yummy 4 Cheese!

This week has been work work work for me. My assistant is on a well deserved vacation, and I don’t have a keyholder-yet. So, I’m pulling all the hours we’re open this week. Today is a vegging day, since I don’t have to be there for another hour.

Since the post, I worked another three days and now have three days off. Woohoo. Sputnik's still at the dealership.

If you're on Blogger and try to add a blog-MAKE A NEW ACCOUNT. Ed backdoored into this one and the only way to delete one is to delete them all. Not likely. I think I've got to contact them to do it.


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