Lifesigns-Different (From the Under the Bridge show)

One of my most favorite shows of the 2014 Cruise to the Edge was performed by Lifesigns.  As soon as we were back home, I ordered their CD and it is easily the most played disc in the car-one which Ed and I each choose a different harmony line and sing along while we're driving along.

When the group announced a crowd funding campaign to record new music at a concert in January, we jumped on board.  Even though we were wishing we lived in the UK to attend (and regularly wish we could teleport to all the European shows), it seemed a good alternative to relive the enjoyment of that Black and White lounge show.  If we move to the UK after my Ph.D, it is likely that we'll do a lot of exploring based on band appearances!

Anyway, the other day John Young shared this teaser from the DVD and it has me happy to see that the same energy and cohesiveness we saw that April day once again.

Check out "Different"!

It is also making me antsy for November to get here, so we can kick off the cruise festivities with a Lifesigns show the night before!


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