
For the massive work project I mentioned yesterday, we asked students to evaluate a chapter, then complete a 10 question survey. Unfortunately, not one student gave feedback-so I wasn't sure if what I was doing was appropriate for their needs. I did, however, know that using instructional design principles, I was on track. Couple that with cognitive learning theories, it should be a solid piece of instructional content.

Today, though, I met with the instructor teaching the class. She seemed to have the same opinion of the chapter I trudged through and loved the three new chapters I had created in the month since we last met. We developed a game plan this semester to ensure student input for modifications and future chapter development.

Then she tells me that she attended a conference, one where she brought out her iPad and showed the 7 chapters she had to quite a few other educators. She reported that many other schools were curious and expressed interest in doing the same thing. Which is how she informed me that there is another conference she will be attending in March and she wants to present the iBook. I was asked to join her to talk about the technology piece.

Good thing I'm getting my passport next week!

So, I went a month without student feedback, but my 'client' and her two coordinators gave me some wonderful feedback today.


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