Plans and Reality

Today's plans:
Drop GameTeen at school, then head to campus to study and lead a meeting of the club I chair, then drive over to the Tampa campus to spend five minutes taking a quiz.

Today's reality:
Drop GameTeen at school, spend three hours studying, two hours in the meeting, drive to Tampa. The part that didn't happen?

That quiz. The professor wasn't in her office. On Wednesday afternoon, she asked me to send her an email reminding her that I was coming. I held up that end of the bargain, but did not have a response.

When I took my laptop to a seat nearby to find out if there was an updated email, I was stopped by an academic advisor. "Are you here to see so and so for advising?" I explained that I was there to see Dr. B. He told me "I saw her a little while ago.

Apparently, I must have just missed her.

I did the tactful and diplomatic thing: I fowarded the email I'd sent Wednesday, with an addendum "I guess I should have followed up with you this morning when I didn't get a response. I'll see you Wednesday," even though I was ticked that I'd driven 45 minutes for nothing.

Figuring that I was already on campus, I stopped by the Education department to see if I could meet with either of the two people that my advisor suggested in an email yesterday.

Struck out again.

Annoyed at the drive, and spending money for GameTeen to stay in after school care when it wasn't needed, I sat in the Laptop Lounge for a little bit and had a nice conversation with another classmate.

Wonder how this will play out, as I'm not allowed to take the quiz after the class has been given one.


Meghan said…
How can the teacher penalize you and not let you take the quiz when it was their fault? That's messed up...

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