Winner Winner, $500 Wal Mart Gift Card Winner!

The time has come to announce the lucky winner of the $500 WalMart Gift Card, so they can do a Your Zone makeover of their very own!

Are you ready?
Thank you to everyone who participated in the contest. Big thank you to WalMart for giving us the opportunity to redo the room and take the new product line for a test drive!


Doreen said…
Ohhh who was the Winner? I don't have sound on my comp. :)
Jess said…
Hooray for Baba!

(Good Lord, you're cute! I mean....Suzanne. I'm sure Baba is lovely.)
Suzanne said…
Doreen, it was the final credit, but Baba was the lucky winner!

I hope she has at least as much fun as I did shopping with my sons for this room!
Lagean Ellis said…
Congrats to Baba!
congrats to Baba.
Joyce-Anne said…
Congrats to Baba!

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