Getting in the swing of things

Week three of the new job has concluded and I'm still enjoying it. There's still lots to learn, but quite a bit of it has become second nature. Last night was the first time I did the nightly settle-and it sure is weird to have so few steps to complete.

I got to visit a competitor to do a reduced session the other day, and I'm going to another competitor to do a complete session this week. Rather than have a freezer full of stuff on top of having the products of my employer, I asked my coworkers what they wanted of the competitor's offerings. This way, I don't have to test all the items myself-they can each provide feedback, too.

Shopping the competitors won't happen for too long, as they'll eventually know that I work in the business. So I'll try to do as many as I can early on. At least I can share the finished results with others!


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